Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Starting again

Finally getting new cards and things again - yayyy!! I now have a brand spanky new credit card, debit card and drivers license. I'll be getting a new purse tomorrow and mannn it's gonna be empty!! I need a new handbag as well, so will feel like a brand new Sarah.

Also starting "exercising" again. Nothing full on, and I have been cycling to work, but I went for an hour long walk around Mt Ainslie last Sunday, and have an easy ride planned for Saturday.

I've still heard nothing from the cardiologist except that he'll call me as soon as he hears anything from the specialist in sydney, whether it be after hours or the weekend!


Unknown said...

"A brand new Sarah"! Nothing wrong with the "old" one either!! I really do feel for you waiting to hear from the cardiologist, etc. Chin up, brand new Sarah!

Wobbly man said...

I hope your new drivers license photo is a nice one! Its geat to hear you are doing some mild exercise again..