Tuesday, February 08, 2005

5k run (.36)

Andrew was getting in from a day in Melbourne on a 7PM flight, so I decided to work back a bit, go for a run, then go straight to the airport. Did the same run as on Monday lunchtime and did it 6 minutes faster and even went a bir further!!

Felt much more comfortable - started off easy so the chest pains wouldn't set in and kept up a nice easy pace.

Kings to Commonwealth (long side) - 15 (16 monday),
Commonwealth Ave bridge - 3.30 (7 monday)
Commonwealth to Kings (short side) 9:45 (13 monday)
Kings Ave bridge - 4:11 (5 monday)

Plus about 4 minutes for a bit that I didn't do on Monday - included waiting for a break in traffic in a busy road. So probably didn't quite do 5k on Monday. I also only walked on the "up" bits of the bridge, and jogged the "down" bits.

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